Shenyi Chua's


I wish I had better content to write about this beautiful city
But for now,
I just need some time to heal from my memories 
I'll just leave these lyrics here that resonates with my emotions: 

My heart is broken and rotten
feels like it smells too

You were the same and I was the same
But the love was different 
Could you not even appear in my dreams?

When I fallin' to the sleep
Then I'll try to forget you, to not wake up again 
I won't feel anxious either, 
when I close my eyes to fall asleep.

- sleeplessness by Ovan, VAN.C

Pic 1: The Rain Vortex, Jewel Changi Airport. 
Pic 2: Singapore Skyline, ArtScience Museum 
Pic 3: On my flight back to Malaysia 

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