Shenyi Chua's


When you stare at Manhattan 
let the Manhattan skyline be the dreams that you want to achieve

For years Brooklyn stood in the shadow of Manhattan,
but it has now emerged as an apex of creativity and is home to many artists, writers and more. 

So don't be afraid to be an outlier, 
and show the world what you're made of

Go live the Manhattan life that we've dreamt about. 

Pic 1: Empire Fulton Ferry Park, Brooklyn NY
Pic 2: Manhattan Skyline view from the Brooklyn Bridge Lookout
Pic 3: Manhattan Skyline from the Brooklyn Bridge

Trying out the west coast special burger in Texas.

Different state different people different mood
The only thing that stays the same is my In-N-Out burger.

Still that delicious burger that's freshly made.

I'll never love any burgers like my In-N-out double-double animal style with onion just like how I'll never love anyone like ~you~

Pic 1: Hamburger, Double Double Animal Style with Onions, Cheeseburger + Chocolate Milkshake + Animal Style Fries 
Pic 2: Double Double Animal Style with Onions
Pic 3: In-N-Out in Dallas, Texas
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